


周三,北卡罗来纳州议会的新一届会议开始,没有什么戏剧性的事情 代表. 蒂姆•摩尔 被选为新的众议院议长 森. 菲尔·伯杰 被他的参议员同僚选为另一届临时参议院主席. 众议院以鼓掌方式投票选举摩尔众议员, 没有人提名这个职位. 的 House 代表ublican Caucus had selected 代表resentative Moore as its choice for the post following the November election, 而他当时的竞争对手之一—— 代表. 狮子座道奇乐团 周三,他在众议院正式提名了他.

摩尔接替U。.S. 森. 众议院议长汤姆·提利斯和参议员提利斯出席了开幕式. 伯杰参议员也在没有对手的情况下被选为参议院领袖. 作为商会领袖, 两人任命委员会主席和成员, 并在决定票据流通方面发挥关键作用. 众议院议长主持众议院会议.

周三的会议主要是关于正式选举领导人, 联合国大会要到明年1月10日才会再次召开. 28, which will allow the legislative leaders to finalize committees 和 otherwise begin organizing for a session that will likely run well into July or August. 在开幕会议后的新闻发布会上, Speaker Moore 和 森ator Berger both touted the accomplishments of the two previous legislatures under 代表ublican legislative majorities. 森ate leader Berger said more work needs to be done as the state continues in a new direction; Speaker Moore said challenges remain but are best met with answers gained with broad consensus.

的 League congratulates Speaker Moore 和 森ate leader Berger 和 looks forward to working with both on behalf of cities 和 towns during this legislative session. 阅读更多关于立法会议开幕日的信息 在这里在这里.     

立法机关的首要任务之一是通过临时条例, 和 those adopted by the House on Wednesday would make a signficant change in how committees operate. 众议院和参议院稍后将通过永久性规则, 但它们通常反映的是临时规则. 的 most substantial change in House rules would require what is known as a proposed committee substitute -- a new version of a bill -- to be distributed electronically to committee members 和 the bill sponsors by 9 p.m. 然后才能在第二天由委员会审议. 的 practice of unveiling new bill committee substitutes that include major changes with little notice has long been criticized by open government advocates.

Another change by the House would allow a written request by two-thirds of the members of a committee to force the bill to be considered at the committee's next meeting, 旨在阻止委员会主席阻止一项立法的听证会的举动. 众议院领导人表示,这些变化将提高透明度,并赋予所有众议院议员权力. 参议院同意对规则进行一些小的修改. 阅读更多关于规则变化的信息 在这里在这里.

森ate leader 菲尔·伯杰 wasted little time before announcing the chairs 和 make-up of 森ate committees for the new legislative session. 许多高级委员会主席将保持不变. 森. 汤姆Apodaca 将继续担任强大的参议院规则委员会主席. 森s. 哈利布朗, 凯西·哈林顿布伦特杰克逊 将继续担任参议院拨款委员会的联合主席. 参议院财政委员会将看到一个变化: 森. 杰里•蒂尔曼 将加入森s. 鲍勃Rucho 和 比尔Rabon 作为联席主席.

森. 里克·甘恩 也会取代 森. 拉尔夫Hise 作为参议院养老金、退休和老龄化委员会的联合主席. 参议院还成立了一个新的劳动力和经济发展委员会. 该委员会将由参议员共同主持. 乍得赤脚, 罗纳德·拉宾大卫·柯蒂斯. 查看参议院委员会的完整名单 在这里.

地方政府雇员退休制度理事会 周四投票决定降低雇主对当地政府养老基金的缴款, 投资收益使这一举动成为可能. 这一变化意味着市政当局将节省大量资金. 董事会同意将2015-16财年雇主缴费率设定为6%.工资的67%,0.从目前的7%下降了40%.07%. 在同一动议中,董事会投票赞成0.625% cost of living adjustment (COLA) to retirees using only the system's recent investment gains. COLA的增加是董事会在不寻求立法的情况下所能给予的最高数额.

投票前, 365足彩下载党新任政府事务主任, 罗斯·沃恩·威廉姆斯, 向董事会描述了6 .的好处.为当地政府雇主和系统的长期稳定性提供67%的税率. We are delighted that the Board approved this lower rate for League members while deciding to provide a fiscally responsibly cost of living adjustment to retirees, 完全依靠现有资金来做到这一点. We thank the Board for supporting our position 和 extend special appreciation to Trustees Jerry Ayscue 和 Sally S和y for making 和 seconding the motion. 联系人: 惠特尼·克里斯坦森

365足彩下载和杜克能源举办了一场 合作峰会 讨论有关市政街道照明的问题.  与会者在峰会上观看了该公用事业公司最近发布的演示 基于web的报告工具, which was a result of League members' requests regarding the need to ease street light outage reporting. 虽然目前只提供给杜克能源卡罗来纳州的客户在线, the utility stated the tool would be applicable on mobile devices 和 available to Duke Energy Progress customers in the second quarter of 2015. Participants also gained insight into the League’s engagement with Duke Energy 和 received information from the company on current rate structures, 现代化努力和未来技术.

在顶峰, 大卫Drooz, 北卡罗来纳州公用事业委员会的律师, 赞扬365足彩下载迄今参与了费率制定工作, stating that efforts over the past year had been effective while noting that rate issues require a lot of expertise. In 2013, 365足彩下载在公用事业委员会面前介入了杜克能源卡罗来纳费率案. 这一干预导致了市政当局与杜克能源公司之间的持续讨论, with the objective of finding cost-effective options for municipalities to convert to LED street lighting 和 modernizing Duke Energy’s outdoor lighting offerings. 峰会的报告将很快发布. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

One of the first bills filed in this year's legislative session would affect the condemnation powers of state 和 local government. HB 3土地征用权 会在选民面前提出宪法修正案来限制征用权的使用吗, 防止州政府和地方政府征用土地供私人开发商使用. 该法案由 众议员查克·麦蒂, would also allow property owners to request jury trials in disputes to determine "just compensation" for their property.

Similar bills have been filed during previous legislative sessions, but have not passed the 森ate. 的 League's Government Affairs teams worked with legislators to limit the negative effects on municipalities in those bills, 并将再次参与这项立法. 阅读媒体对该法案的报道 在这里. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

委员会成员 N.C. 国家水利基础设施管理局(SWIA) examined data Thursday regarding the priority rating system of funding programs administered by the N.C. 水务基建司 预计评级系统可能会发生变化. 的 meeting was held as DWI considers changes intended to better align the programs 和 ensure that funds are used in a coordinated manner.

DWI staff presented Authority members with charts of information gleaned from the April 和 October 2014 funding rounds of the Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund (CWSRF), 国家饮用水循环贷款基金, 及第一期社区发展整体补助金. 的 data showed the criteria that had historically most influenced the score of a project 和 its chances of being funded.

DWI staff stated that it planned to use feedback from Authority members to shape potential changes to priority criteria, 哪些将以草案形式提交给SWIA 3月份的会议. 最终投票定于5月举行. 十二月,团员们通过了一项议案 365体育足彩目标 寻求水的变化, 废水和雨水基础设施的资助项目,以列出的具体优先事项为基础. 的 Authority's examination of existing priority criteria may provide an opportunity for the member requested changes. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

去年12月,一个州的收入差距有所扩大,但幅度不大. 根据大会财政研究司的说法, 州财政收入现在比预期低1.99亿美元. 这一数字仅比11月底增加了1000万美元. 的 NC Insider state government news service reports that State Budget Director Lee Roberts says the state will know much more about w在这里 it st和s financially once income tax collections pick up through February, 三月和四月. 阅读更多关于州税收和收入差距的信息 在这里.

长期担任州众议员. Edgar Starnes of Hickory has given up his legislative seat 和 will now serve as senior policy advisor 和 legislative liaison to State Treasurer Janet Cowell. 代表resentative Starnes was House Majority Leader during the previous legislative session 和 served 20 years in the chamber. 他将取代前众议员. 去年夏天退休的比尔·麦吉. 代表resentative Starnes was a vocal opponent of legislation stripping Boone of its extraterritorial jurisdiction, 现在镇上的人在法庭上提出了异议. 365足彩下载感谢他多年来在大会的服务, 祝贺他获得新职位, 并期待着与他在这个角色上合作.