


事情发生的经过: The 新型冠状病毒肺炎 pandemic continues to profoundly impact all aspects of life throughout the state. North Carolina’s total number of cases 超过2000 本周,还有 more than 355,000 unemployment claims 已经归档. 州长的 全职的顺序 is in effect until the end of the month, though the 政府ernor noted to media outlets this week that "we have not gotten close to reaching our peak."

单词释义: As the crisis strengthens, so too does the work of the League. This week, NCLM presented to the N.C. House Select Committee on 新型冠状病毒肺炎, and shortly t在这里after sent a letter of requests to the 大会. We’re in close contact with federal contacts as well, and are pushing hard for appropriations to offset lost revenues. Additionally, we are asking you to assist in these efforts by reaching out to your legislators. 详情如下.

利用: We are striving to be the best source of information possible throughout this situation. 常见问题解答 beautylifeclub.com/coronavirus 继续更新,我们的工作人员随时待命,准备提供帮助,简报正在安排中. Please do not hesitate to reach out, either by phone or at covid19@beautylifeclub.com.

瘦子: As 执行董事 Paul Meyer stated Friday morning, “我们在这里支持你, and we are going to get you through this."​

呈现给 N.C. House Select Committee on 新型冠状病毒肺炎​ 周二, NCLM首席立法顾问艾琳·怀尼亚(Erin Wynia)清楚地阐述了市政当局在应对这场健康危机时面临的情况. 


金融: Sales tax revenue accounts for approximately $1.每年30亿美元, or 28 percent of the general operating budget for the median city in North Carolina. 占用税, which result primarily from the tourism industry, account for another $300 million for local governments. Local water systems serve 89 percent of the state's population. 这三个城市都将受到这场危机的严重影响——由于商业活动大幅减少,销售和占用税收收入将受到严重影响, and utility revenue through non-payment and commercial/industrial customer loss. 

Wynia also noted that 31 percent of municipal budgets go towards public safety, meaning that without support towards maintaining local cash flows, cities and towns will be forced to make budgetary cuts to critical areas.

Budget Development and Procedural Clarification:市, 由法律规定, must pass a budget by July 1, 但由于目前危机缺乏可靠的经济数据,估计财政收入几乎不可能, making the process immensely complicated, 解释Wynia. 此外,Wynia要求州政府明确远程会议的权限.

宽带: “The need for reliable internet could not be more obvious right now," said Wynia. Yet, many parts of the state are disconnected. 通过 纤维数控法案, which would allow for public-private partnerships to address the problem, must become a priority of the 大会.

Slides from the League's presentation can be viewed ​在这里. ​

Following NCLM's presentation 周二, lawmakers asked for the League to present a detailed list of requests for municipalities. 

NCLM Associate 执行董事 of Public & 政府ernment Affairs Rose Williams submitted 那封信 to the House committee today, outlining the following requests of the 大会:

  • Appropriate $60 million each month to municipalities for April, 五月, 和6月, 作为抵消因强制停业和保持社交距离措施而导致的预期销售税损失的一种方式.
  • 向市政当局提供5000万美元的无息贷款,以帮助解决因推迟缴纳销售税而造成的现金流挑战, with loans repayable later this calendar year as deferred sales tax revenues are received.
  • 提供1亿美元的新拨款,帮助地方政府的供水和污水处理设施满足第124号行政命令规定的现金流需求, reduced commercial usage, and other potential losses of revenue due to the ongoing pandemic.
  • As vehicle registrations are deferred and delayed, continue to allow property taxes on those vehicles to be collected on schedule.
  • Clarify the state Public Meetings Law so that councils can meet remotely, protecting the health of the public and meeting requirements of 全职的顺序s.
  • 批准并将NC FIBER法案纳入任何救济方案,以帮助在家工作的居民和在家工作的学生获得更好的宽带可用性.

The full letter can be read 在这里.​


Let them know that local services are critical in addressing citizen needs during this crisis, and that just like the state, municipal officials must balance their budgets even as economic activity suffers.

也, know that NCLM does not consider the above list of needs to be complete, and recognizes that this is an evolving situation that will lead to additional challenges. 我们致力于与你们以及州和联邦官员合作,继续解决这些需求. We appreciate and are grateful for your unwavering leadership during this time.

​Speaking to hundreds of local officials Friday morning, League staff detailed the financial fallout of the pandemic, listed immediate responses and actions that municipalities should take, 并详细介绍了365足彩下载目前与联邦和州新型冠状病毒肺炎政策相关的365体育足彩工作.

At the federal level, 关怀法案, a $2.2 trillion relief package signed into law last week, will appropriate $4 billion to North Carolina through the 冠状病毒 Relief Fund, with direct appropriations to local governments with populations greater than 500,000. NCLM 执行董事 Paul Meyer noted that these funds, 然而, can only be allocated to expenditures related to 新型冠状病毒肺炎, and cannot be used to offset lost revenues. Further guidance from the U.S. Treasury is not yet available, but this limitation is clear.

365足彩下载的主要倡导目标是通过额外的立法来获得这些替代资金, 梅尔解释说. NCLM工作人员与联邦联络人以及全国城市365足彩下载的倡导伙伴保持密切沟通. All updates regarding these efforts, as well as further clarification on the already-passed CARES Act, will be promptly communicated to members and listed on the League’s 冠状病毒网页.

Regarding local finances, NCLM研究和战略倡议主任克里斯·奈达参观了365足彩下载的年度会议 Revenue Projects Memo, which was published last week. Unlike previous iterations of the report that provided a focused projection, 尼达 noted that this year’s memo projected a range of estimates, taking into account both the available information and the unprecedented economic uncertainty. Economic data from March will not be available until June. Thus, the League will be providing frequent updates to the memo as data becomes available.


过去几周发生的事件极大地改变了形势,其方式是现有数据尚未反映出来的. 我们调查了现有的信息,并尽最大努力综合这些信息,我们认为这些信息反映了北卡罗来纳州市政当局目前的现实情况, but if t在这里 is one common thread that runs among recent analyses, it is that this period of economic activity is unlike any seen in recent decades.

What is unfortunately clear, 尼达解释说, is that cities and towns are facing substantial declines in revenue, due primarily to the drop in sales tax revenue, occupancy tax revenue, and utilities payments. 尼达, responding to questions, confirmed that despite the lack of necessary data, the statutory deadlines for passing a budget have not been addressed by the N.C. legislature, and thus balanced budgets must still be ratified by July 1.

Additionally, NCLM Human Resources Consultant Heather James highlighted the Families First 冠状病毒 Response Act, which was signed into law on March 18, and specifically the Paid Family and Medical Leave and Paid Sick Leave within that act, which must be implemented by all municipalities on April 1. To further address questions surrounding the complexities within that legislation, NCLM will be conducting a free webinar for all members on Thursday, 4月10日. Further details can be found 在这里.

政府. Roy Cooper issued four executive orders this week, the most notable being 第124号行政命令, which focuses on utility shutoffs, 拆迁, and financial flexibility for customers of telecommunications services and banks.

第124号行政命令 禁止公用事业公司(包括所有市政公用事业公司)因未付款而关闭对住宅用户的服务,禁止公用事业公司计费或收取费用, penalties or interest for late or untimely payment for 60 days or the duration of the EO 124.

  • EO 124 includes reporting requirements by all utilities to the NC Utilities Commission (NCUC), even though local government utilities are not regulated by the NCUC.
  • NCUC本周公布了实施报告要求的计划,提议提供一种表格,公用事业服务提供商应该能够从互联网上获取 NCUC网站 4月7日星期二. 
  • EO 124 also allows the Attorney General to waive certain provisions in the EO, including the reporting requirement.
  • The UNC SOG has issued a very detailed blog post about the requirements under the EO 124.

The governor's office also issued an 答案文档 in anticipation of questions that may come in. 

政府资料. Cooper's other executive orders can be reviewed 在这里. ​

CityVision 2020 has been revamped into a virtual conference, complete with both live and on-demand educational sessions, and the League’s annual business meeting—save the date for 五月 28. Agenda and session details are coming soon, 但商务会议的阵容将与去年相似,并将包括电子投票结果和2020-2021年董事会的宣誓就职仪式.

The 2020 提名 Committee has released 一份备忘录 致会员, 哪一个概述了今年不可预测的情况下的电子提名和投票过程. Members seeking a board seat, should submit the Candidate Interest Form 4月30日下午5时前. 所有提名和选举信息,包括候选人简介,都可以在“选举中央”网站, www.选举.beautylifeclub.com.


The League has been asked to share the letter, 但也收到了一封执行董事保罗·迈耶的回信,概述了成员城市和城镇对大型建筑的担忧, 一些零售商里没有分开的人群,以及缺乏执行社交距离以传播冠状病毒的可能性. 梅耶写道:“重要的是要认识到,地方民选官员有责任保护当地居民的健康和福利, and that is of paramount importance today. 限制这种病毒的传播是市政官员的主要关切,重要的是他们拥有这样做的工具.”

You can read the business coalition letter 在这里 and the League’s response 在这里.

3月下旬,奥巴马政府宣布. Roy Cooper and fellow state officials held a call with the League and more than 2,1万名地方政府官员向大家介绍新型冠状病毒肺炎应对的最新情况. During the call, a chat window allowed the local officials to submit questions. 此后,该州对这些问题做出了回应,我们已经公布了有关冠状病毒的答案 网页. The full roundup can be found 在这里, published on March 30. 

Additionally, while we wait for final statutory clarification from the N.C. legislature on open meetings, 州检察长约什·斯坦已经起草了一份指导文件,说明在这些特殊情况下法律允许做些什么.



"Yes, because electronic meetings are allowed under N.C.G.S. §143.318.13, and the requirements of notice, access and minutes can be met through electronic means.  Due to the unprecedented circumstances we are all faced with, 事实上,地方管理机构远程召开会议并没有被法律明文禁止, 我的结论是,地方政府可以通过电子方式召开必要的会议,并遵守《365体育足彩》."

The full document can be read 在这里.