


事情发生的经过: 琼斯大街上充满活力的感觉 with more than 200 new bills emerging in 这所房子 and plenty of committee 运动.

单词释义: 两个简短的解释——1) House hit a bill-filing deadline (for proposals not involving money) and 2) spring 打破. The House had already planned to take a week off, and the Senate 预定的停机时间为4月22日. 

利用: 众议院法案的最后期限是4月25日 下午5点.m. for all remaining public bills that specifically deal with 拨款和财务. That's the last real deadline in the legislature this year for new, individual bills, though there is one more big date 之前 -- 目前定于5月9日举行. 一般来说,这就是账单的时间 must have passed either the Senate or House to remain alive. 这意味着你可以 expect fast business when legislators return from 打破. 在这一切之中 内部预算编制.

最近很忙,以后也会很忙 之前. We thank our lawmakers and local leaders 状态wide for the job they're 共同努力,让北卡罗来纳州变得更好. 不管你的计划是什么 holiday weekend, we hope you have a great and restful one.​

这所房子 Alcohol Beverage Control Committee this week advanced hb91 ABC法律 现代化/ PED研究对国家的教育制度进行改革 liquor distribution and sales, following input from League staff and amendments 来自委员会成员. League staff addressed the committee with opposition to a provision for mandatory consolidation of local ABC boards -- a provision the committee ended up removing by amendment following the League's testimony.

该法案 still contained provisions that allow the purchase of individual bottles for special orders, local boards to charge delivery fees when delivering liquor, local governments to permit Sunday alcohol sales, and liquor tasting in local ABC stores. 法案的下一站是 众议院财政委员会.

CityVision 2019的注册 -- the biggest and best annual conference for North Carolina's cities and 城镇,5月14日至16日在山科里 星期日闭馆. 不要错过机会! 参加我们两天的活动 full of engaging keynote speakers and concurrent sessions that will give you the tools you need to face challenges in your hometowns head on. 今年, CityVision will offer round table discussions following each general session to address shared challenges, connect with regional partners and engage in facilitated discussions to gain practical information that you can use 立即. 现在注册!

账单 to better the broadband landscape in North Carolina continue their traction in 大会. Calendared for a committee hearing next Thursday is Hb 431纤维nc 行为, which addresses a key goal of localities in all parts of the 状态. Member cities and towns are encouraged to contact their legislators and ask their support of the bill, whose list of sponsors covers more than half of 这所房子. 该法案, to be heard in 这所房子 State and Local Government Committee, 特别会 授权地方 政府建设宽带基础设施 把它租给 private operators, an arrangement that would give unserved or underserved communities a path toward reliable, fast internet. 也在支持更好 宽带接入是 SB 310电气 农村宽带合作服务该项目获得了良好的报道 this week and now goes to the Senate Judiciary Committee. 该法案 would allow subsidiaries of the 状态’s electric cooperative corporations to provide broadband services to one or more premises.

本周参议院通过了两项法案 would affect two programs that offer grants to municipalities -- the Clean Water Management Trust Fund (CWMTF) and the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF). SB 356盈余 公园和水的财产收益 会增加两者的收入吗 funding programs by directing a percentage of the money from the sale of 状态-owned 每个基金的剩余财产. SB 381 重建 & 澄清环境委员会 扩展用途 for which the CWMTF funds can be used to include (among others) the protection and restoration of floodplains and wetlands and adds to the grant criteria and 优先考虑. 365足彩下载感谢参议员. 安迪·威尔斯和哈里·布朗 thinking of additional ways to increase funding to these programs.

​A sweeping tax-law bill under discussion in the Senate includes, among many other things, a four-year extension for the historic rehabilitation tax credit, a program that has helped communities across the 状态 revitalize, put aged buildings back to work and broaden property tax rolls. 支持某人设定的目标 本两年期的城市和城镇,第5款.2 of SB 622税 2019年削减法案 将把信贷的到期日期推迟到明年1月. 1, 2024年,从目前计划的1月. 1, 2020.  此外,它的眼睛 internet sales taxation with a "marketplace facilitator" measure designed to help the 状态 collect taxes from additional online sales. A portion of this revenue stream flows to local governments. 另外,账单 requires all online accommodations booking companies to collect sales tax on rentals facilitated through their online platforms. 这些公司会 向联合国提交年度报告.C. 财政部,其中包括 a listing of the gross receipts and location of all rentals booked through that 公司上一年度在线平台情况. 这个提案来自参议员. 杰里 Tillman of Archdale, Ralph Hise of Spruce Pine and Paul Newton of Mount Pleasant, came up for discussion in the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday. 委员会没有采取任何行动.

In other news, 这所房子 saw the filing this week of HB 791法律 执法机构记录,如果该法案获得通过,将获得a 全州范围内的城镇目标. It would make several changes to the existing laws on the release and disclosure of law enforcement agency recordings, including allowing release or disclosure to the city manager, city council, or citizen review board if there is a confidentiality agreement and it is done in 闭门会议. 365足彩下载感谢赞助商代表. 约翰·费尔布,斯蒂芬·罗斯 和艾伦·麦克尼尔.

更多的 than 200 House bills surfaced this week on a filing deadline. 它们还包括 HB 786紧急情况 管理层变动, which would ensure that disaster recover money can be spent for housing -- addressing another goal of cities and towns this 双年度.

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