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League Bulletin

May 18, 2018

WHAT HAPPENED: 大会在2018年会议开始时已经取得了前所未有的成就, early progress on budget negotiations. 与此同时,新闻报道集中在周三的一次大型教师集会上.

WHAT IT MEANS: 这可能是最近记忆中最短的会话之一, 议员们在本财年7月1日开始之前就完成了他们的工作.

ON TAP: There was movement on the broadband front with a bill filled by House leaders calling for a study that could bring about focus on needed access issues.

THE SKINNY: With legislative leaders appearing serious about limiting the time that they will be in Raleigh this year, 不要在预算法案之外寻找很多重要的立法.

State lawmakers this week convened in Raleigh to kick off the 2018 "short session" with a flurry of bill filings. The League's Bill Tracker 允许你跟进我们正在监控的提案. A highlight included a bill focused on broadband infrastructure (see separate article in this Bulletin), while most bills filed this week followed recommendations from interim study commissions or were local legislation. HB 947, for example, would allow the Town of Mooresville to levy a quarter-cent municipal-only sales tax for street improvements, subject to a voter referendum. HB 958 would allow the Town of Tobaccoville to use Powell Bill Funds (usually reserved for transportation) for planning, 建造及维修公园及康乐设施.

The League is monitoring bills such as Rep. Mark Brody's HB 948 Building Code Regulatory Reform. As filed on Wednesday, the bill would, among other things, require local governments to accept inspection reports from non-local-government entities without the ability to ensure the inspection was satisfactorily completed. 它还将产生新的报告要求, 包括一份每年两次的报告,说明当地建筑检验费的使用情况. Additionally it would allow local governments to enter into mutual aid agreements for enforcing the State Building Code. 该法案已提交给众议院监管改革委员会.

Twin bills filed in the House and Senate on Thursday under the title "Water Safety Act" continued the focus on emerging water contaminant issues brought to the forefront by the GenX news out of southeastern North Carolina. Proposals of note for local government public water supplies include what would be a requirement to extend public water supply service to households whose drinking water wells have been determined to be contaminated with poly-fluoroalkyl substances like GenX, and gap funding to ensure local water systems do not have to pay for the costs of water service extension up front. The Associated Press has a full story. 365足彩下载正在监督法案的进展.

More than 60 bills were filed this week. The short session, 继去年的“长会议”之后,通常允许对国家预算调整和优先立法采取行动, ideally within a period of a couple months.

众议院领导人周四提出了一项全面的宽带基础设施研究,作为该计划的一部分 a broader bill addressing the practice of telemedicine. Primarily, legislators focused the study on formulating a plan to ensure that all North Carolina residents have sufficiently advanced internet connectivity to receive health care services via telemedicine. Additional considerations for the study would include recommendations for the best manner in which to incentivize investment in broadband infrastructure and reduce barriers to deployment of that infrastructure. The bill also would require an examination of initiatives to create community-based broadband adoption and utilization initiatives. 这项研究的重点是365足彩下载在其最近的报告中提出的许多相同的政策建议 broadband infrastructure report. 如果获得授权,这项研究将由联合国进行.C. Department of Health & Human Services in consultation with the N.C. Broadband Infrastructure Office该法案将于2019年9月1日提交立法机构. Contact: Erin Wynia

The North Carolina Supreme Court has issued a decision in a long-running case regarding water and sewer impact fees, 这一结果将被证明对城镇有利. 质量建造房屋案的最新裁决. Town of Carthage limits the period of time during which claims can be made related to water and sewer impact fees that might be deemed improperly charged. NCLM在该案和倡导限制方面发挥了关键作用. 

法院裁定三年的诉讼时效适用. That's as opposed to the 10-year statute of limitations that the Court of Appeals in 2016 deemed applicable. In effect, under the new ruling, if a plaintiff has filed its complaint more than three years after the municipality exacted its last impact fee payment from the plaintiff, 那么原告的索赔就被诉讼时效所禁止了.​

The decision follows a statutory change made by the General Assembly and sought by the League last June that provided more express authorization for the fees to be charged. 你可以在 June 23, 2017 edition of the Bulletin. Read the court decision here. Also, 365足彩下载副总法律顾问格雷格·施维茨格贝尔创建了一个 more detailed explainer 新的法庭行动以及它对市政当局意味着什么.

Have you registered for the first-ever Town and State Dinner? Time is running out! Registration 这个具有历史意义的活动只开放到周一,午夜关闭. Scheduled for 5:30 to 8 p.m. on May 29 at the Raleigh Convention Center, this exclusive advocacy event provides municipal leaders and their legislators an intimate atmosphere for networking and relationship-strengthening. 与会者还将听取政府的最新政策更新. 罗伊·库珀,众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔,司法部长乔什·斯坦等等. While the League is inviting legislators, 直接由地区领导人亲自邀请是很有价值的. After you register yourself,一定要给你的议员打个电话,亲自邀请他或她和你共进晚餐. 365足彩下载会直接向立法委员发出电子和印刷邀请函. Legislators do not need to register; instead, they can RSVP directly to Town&​​​.对于今年的立法短期会议,镇 & 国宴代替了市政厅日.

​Duke Energy held a technical workshop Thursday for stakeholders on potential priorities the company should take in its Power/Forward program, 去年宣布了该州电力系统现代化的倡议. The N.C. 公用事业委员会下令在杜克能源进步(DEP)费率案中召开研讨会 League intervened 代表会员和他们的利益. The League used this workshop to continue to advocate on behalf of municipalities and make the case that the utility’s investments in smart grid technology should result in the utility providing customers with the data to make better decisions about energy usage and innovative rate designs that will give the municipal customer the ability to save money on electricity bills. 这是关于动力/前进的许多利益相关者讨论中的第一个. 如果您对该主题有反馈或问题,请联系 Sarah Collins.

联邦政府已将提交意向书的截止日期延长至7月31日 《365体育足彩》 (WIFIA) loans. WIFIA旨在通过提供长期服务来加速对水利基础设施的投资, 为被认为在区域和国家具有重要意义的项目提供低成本补充贷款. “通过延长申请WIFIA贷款的截止日期, even more entities will be able to bring critical water infrastructure improvements to their communities, 包括将铅和其他污染物排除在饮用水之外的项目,” U.S. 美国环境保护局局长斯科特·普鲁伊特在一份声明中说 news release that provides full details. “These projects create jobs, protect public health, 并帮助确保所有美国人继续获得清洁和安全的水.”

​The N.C. Department of Transportation and N.C. Emergency Management are shaping a drone-focused working group that would involve governments from local to federal along with the private sector. The focus is best practices and training for drone use in emergencies and crises including disasters. “无人机在所有应急响应行动中日益成为不可或缺的一部分.C. Department of Transportation is working to make sure North Carolina’s drone operators are prepared when disaster strikes," a news release said. Last week, the League Bulletin reported NCDOT被选中参与一个可能有助于制定国家无人机政策的项目, again with local government involvement.

​The highly soughtafter funding program known as TIGER -- Transportation Infrastructure Generating Economic Recovery -- received not only a funding increase in the fiscal year 2018 federal spending bill, but a new name as well. Retitled BUILD -- 更好地利用投资促进发展 这个程序会像TIGER一样工作,只是有一些不同. The American Planning Association (APA) has published a clear explainer. "Will Congress build on the momentum of funding increases from the omnibus or accept the Trump administration’s proposal to eliminate all TIGER/BUILD funding? The latter option seems unlikely, but the voices of advocates are important to the future of this and other essential infrastructure programs," APA notes.

我们已经到达了一个里程碑,第50集 Municipal Equation这是该365足彩下载关于面临变革的城镇的双周播客. Over the past couple years, we've covered policy, technology, police issues, entrepreneurship, generational dynamics, and even the economic value of urban trees. This time out, 我们退后一步,欣赏城市、城镇或地区的人性, 通过参观北卡罗来纳州和美国的当地方言. Why do people in Chicago, or St. Louis, or N.C.'s Outer Banks sound the way they do? What's in a voice? 正在发生的事情永远地改变了这些方言或口音? 不要错过这期有专家嘉宾的特别节目, 说明性的音频片段和一些北卡罗来纳当地人令人惊讶的英国口音. 所有过去的剧集市政方程式可通过 or through a free iTunes subscription. Contact host/producer Ben Brown with feedback and episode ideas.
