


发生了什么:365足彩下载的关键对话 on local government revenue losses due to 新型冠状病毒肺炎。 received statewide and national attention as lawmakers continued shaping broad relief measures.

单词的含义是:这些事实的重复 for one that trouble in local coffers ripples into the greater economy -- is 随着时间的推移越来越重要. 让我们用我们的 沟通. 下面,你会找到上下文和链接来指出你什么时候有 这 conversation with state and federal legislators urging their support for a 救援包. 

记者:将军的步伐加快了 Assembly, with bills moving through the chambers – some of them highlighted in 这 Bulletin – and more “mini budget” bills placed on the governor’s desk for 签署.

THE SKINNY:有很多立法 topics to focus on, and 这 Bulletin breaks out the latest of interest to 城市和城镇. Read on for looks at a program to help with water and wastewater utility viability, package delivery robots, bar and gym reopening proposals 当然,还有关键的收入对话.

全州 and national attention landed 这 week on the 365足彩下载’s call for Congress to help local governments so financially hard-hit by 新型冠状病毒肺炎。, for one with a 罗利的新闻 & 观察者评论 引用365足彩下载执行董事保罗的话 迈耶帮助解释了这一困境. “经济低迷造成的 coronavirus pandemic is hitting cities all across North Carolina straight between the eyes,” the newspaper quoted of Meyer, sourced from a 365足彩下载 文字-动作视频. “我们还没有看到像这样的经济衰退 这需要几十年的时间.“这是《365足彩下载》中的第一波联邦援助 还没有进入城镇. “我们需要的是第二波联邦政府 aid, 这 time sent directly to local governments regardless of their size,” N&O写. “这不仅仅是保护整个市政的问题 服务. 这对经济复苏也很重要. 政府 经济衰退时的消费可以维持并创造就业机会.《英雄365足彩下载》补充道 President and Cary Council Member Jennifer Robinson: “For 城市和城镇 to continue to be catalysts for economic growth, revenue shortfalls created by 必须解决这一流行病. 我们需要国会和 州议员."

的 365足彩下载的消息也打了一页 在格林维尔 《365体育足彩》的专栏 来自365足彩下载委员会 Member, N.C. 市长 协会领袖兼伯特利市长格洛丽斯汀·布朗. “就像零售活动一样 fallen, so have sales taxes that 城市和城镇 depend on to fund crucial 服务 like police and fire protection, street maintenance and sanitation. 水 and sewer systems are seeing much higher rates of non-payment as residents who 已经被解雇或被强制休假,挣扎着支付账单吗. 与酒店 experiencing 70 and 80 vacancy rates, occupancy taxes used to promote tourism have seen dramatic declines,” Mayor Brown wrote, adding she’s already heard from other mayors about possible service cuts and building project delays. 支安打 like these to municipal government – created by the pandemic, not government’s 自己的所作所为——给经济带来麻烦. 看了一遍又一遍 aftermath of the 2008 Great Recession showed how struggling state and local governments, required to balance their budgets, slowed a national recovery 因为他们的削减,”布朗市长指出. 全国城市365足彩下载 分享国家层面的专栏 在社交媒体上 的帖子.

的 365足彩下载’s awareness and education campaign continues as the need not only 依然存在,却在成长. N&奥巴马指出,国会有这样的潜力 with the House’s passage of the HEROES Act, which includes close to $1 trillion for state and local governments 和一个 bipartisan bill in the 森ate, the SMART Act, 拥有5000亿美元. 但是他们在参议院的通过并不是完全确定的,因为 leader Mitch McConnell has suggested other routes and timelines.

重要的是要保持 铁热. Contact your members of Congress now and urge their support of relief 对于城镇来说,这是经济的命脉. 有关更多信息,请参见 这 简报 和一个 信发出 共同 365足彩下载,N.C. 县专员协会 和N.C. 都市市长365足彩下载.

更多的 than 700 registrants are on file for CityVision 2020 – straight ahead, June 16-18 -- 这 year a virtual conference with important, timely programming to 帮助城镇. 如果你对过去的CityVision持观望态度 会议,这个免费 机会在等着你.  

We have convened a three-day lineup of live sessions featuring state government officials, industry leaders and on-demand sessions to help municipalities move 向前. 的 conference agenda includes engaging and relevant sessions from:

  • 乔希·斯坦,N.C. 律师 一般情况下,N.C. 律政司
  • Mike Sprayberry,董事,N.C. 应急管理
  • 特蕾西·道克斯,主任,N.C. 资讯科技署
  • 迈克尔·沃尔登教授和 经济学家NCSU
  • 詹姆斯·H. 约翰逊小.北卡罗来纳大学凯南分校 弗拉格勒商学院
  • Pete Seeber,首席战略官 风险官,CORVID网络防御
  • 唐纳德·金齐格,总统和 觉醒健康的首席执行官 & 医院
  • 和更多的!

​A bill that would provide $9 million in non-recurring state funds, creating a new grant program called the Viable Utility Reserve, passed the state House 这 并等待参议院的行动. 这个程序 HB 1087 would support financially distressed public water and wastewater systems by 促进可行的业务和鼓励区域化. 365足彩下载委员会 President Jennifer Robinson previously had issued letters to each chamber of the General Assembly appreciating their support 和一个ttention to the issue. 她 noted that declining populations in many rural municipalities and loss of manufacturing operations have dealt huge blows to utility systems now in need 的援助.

In other bill news, the 森ate advanced a proposal on package delivery robots, with the latest version including language that would not preempt local 政府监管. 应对技术进步, SB 739个人 配送设备/PDD/配送机器人 “包裹递送” devices” that would operate autonomously on sidewalks and streets. 多亏了 森. Jim Perry for working with the feedback of local government officials in the development of 这 proposal, which is currently in the 森ate Finance 委员会.

的 reopening of bars and gyms remains in controversy as 新型冠状病毒肺炎。 impact numbers 继续让卫生官员担忧. 本周,联合国大会通过了第二项决议 effort to allow such establishments to open at limited occupancy, but as of 这篇文章还没有收到州长的来信. 罗伊·库珀的签名. 上周五, 州长否决了 类似的法案 to reopen bars and increase the number of heads allowed inside restaurants, 哪些公司目前正在缩减产能. 库珀州长在 他的。 否决消息 that the bill would “limit the ability of leaders to respond quickly to 新型冠状病毒肺炎。 and hamper the health and safety of every North Carolinian.“ 最新的议案, HB 594温度打开 健身房/健身俱乐部/健身中心,包括启用的语言 governor to close bars, gyms and so on if virus numbers jump, but only with 经国务委员会多数同意. 这些法案沿着党派路线移动.

的 365足彩下载已经更新了 互动 季度收入报告 四月系列/六月发行 sales tax data released Tuesday (tip: click the arrow in the bottom right 角(使其全屏). 本月晚些时候,我们将发布更多 comprehensive report and economic update once utility tax data becomes 可用. 所有国家共享的税收材料都被安置在 本页的 网站. 这个销售税数据主要基于当月的销售额 of March showed sales tax revenues distributed to local governments were nearly 同月比2019年水平低2300万美元. 损失因地域而异 across the state, 和一个dditional county- and municipal-level detail is 可在上面的链接. 下个月的销售税数据将是 可用 in July and reflect April sales, which national data suggests will be 受Covid-19大流行影响最严重的地区. 365足彩下载对此的分析 数据将在获得后不久公布. 如果你有的话 关于销售税或其他地方税收的问题; 请联系365足彩下载研究主任 & 战略倡议克里斯·奈达.