


新一期的 南部城市 is warm from the presses with 48 full-color pages of personalities and hot topics of interest to cities and towns. 其中值得注意的是关于的文章 Franklin Mayor and League Board Member Bob Scott 以及 森. 吹石乐队的迪安娜·巴拉德. 斯科特市长, it’s a look at his adventurous professional history and philosophies on local leadership; for 森ator Ballard, 迷人的Q&A on her initial stretch in the General Assembly -- and her remarkable time working in the George W. Bush White House directly with the president and first lady. Don't miss this issue; it’s easier than ever to read 南部城市 digitally with our online reader. 查看我们的其他文章 自主车辆, 市长的优先级, 消防队员的认可, CityVision 2017的未来 ——我们的年会. 所有这些,甚至更多 在新的南方城市.

The pre-registration deadline is just ahead! Don’t wait to save your spot at the year’s most important conference for North Carolina cities and towns -- 连接城市愿景2017,定于9月举行. 格林维尔20-23号. 8月前预先登记. 18. 座位很快就坐满了. Don't miss your chance to join with hundreds of municipal officials from across North Carolina to network and learn best practices for connecting to technology, 到邻近的城镇, 给区域项目和组织, 以及有影响力的领导能力. The annual conference also is where members elect officers and make any constitutional or bylaw changes. 没有其他活动能像CityVision这样. 现在注册!

Though 2020 is still a few years away, preparations for that year’s decennial U.S. 北卡罗来纳州的人口普查仍在继续. N.C. 国家数据中心的数据 下面是简短的总结 of efforts currently underway and those that are coming in the future. Last month, local elected officials across the state – likely mayors in N.C. municipalities – should have received invitation letters to participate in the Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA), the once-in-a-decade verification of residential addresses. Elected officials are encouraged to register and designate a local liaison for the LUCA program by September 2017, as LUCA training will be held later this year. LUCA materials will be mailed out beginning in February 2018, with participants having 120 days to verify addresses at that time. If you have any questions about Census preparations, please email League Director of Research and Strategic Initiatives Chris Nida.

现在就注册365足彩下载的八月. 15网络研讨会 小型小区无线法例 that recently passed the General Assembly and learn what it means for local governments. 登记后, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the webinar, 哪一个上午10点开始.m.

一些政府官员. 罗伊•库珀’s recently 宣布 state board appointees carry municipal experience with them. 其中包括查尔斯·彭尼, a retired city manager from Rocky Mount with more than three decades of local government knowledge and expertise in city finance and budgeting, 说一个 新闻稿 announcing Penny’s appointment to the State 财产 Tax Commission. Additionally, longtime Durham Mayor Bill Bell was appointment to an at-large seat on the N.C. 铁路董事会. And Rockingham City Manager Monty Crump was appointed to the N.C. 野生动物资源委员会. They’re among many individuals named in the governor's Aug. 8新闻发布. "I appreciate that North Carolinians from a variety of walks of life have agreed to help our state by serving on these boards and commissions,库珀州长说。. 林肯在 上周报道 that Concord Mayor Scott Padgett had received appointment from the governor to serve on the Local Government Commission. He is also named in the governor’s release.

National League of Cities (NLC) says it hopes President Trump's 宣布全国进入紧急状态 over the opioid crisis will give local governments the flexibility and attention needed to combat it, that the federal response will focus on medical treatment as opposed to criminal punishment. 在一个 声明 本周, NLC CEO Clarence Anthony said: "True progress will only come if federal, state and local governments work together on solutions. 当地的领导人, law enforcement officers and medical providers stress the importance of alternatives to arrest and flexibility in dealing with addicts. That flexibility must be a priority as we work to address this crisis." Learn more about how the local governments are combatting opioid damage at opioidaction.org. 在北卡罗来纳州, 国家立法 on the matter received strong support this year.

N.C. Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) is set to install Durham County Commissioner Brenda Howerton as its new president. On the agenda to be sworn in on Saturday at NCACC's 110th 年度会议, Howerton will succeed the statewide leadership of Davidson County Commissioner Fred McClure. The League congratulates Howerton and wishes her the best for her term ahead, Howerton概述了什么 达勒姆先驱报-太阳报的一篇文章. Howerton has served on the Durham County Commission since 2008. 7月,州长. 罗伊•库珀 宣布 he was appointing Howerton to serve on the Local Government Employees' Retirement System Board of Trustees.