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事情发生的经过: Court action, 和 lots of it. 联邦法官 struck down the state's congressional district map 再一次。. 议员们正在努力保持11月的选举计划不变. Separate constitutional amendment proposals bounced inside lawsuits. 政府. 罗伊•库珀 has attempted another lawsuit 为了阻止立法机构对其中两项拟议修正案的新修改. N.C. 最高法院要求该州选举委员会暂停投票准备工作,因为法律挑战仍在继续. 和更多的.
单词释义: The general election -- Nov. 就在前方. With so much in limbo, 我们不确定 选票将会是什么样子,或者这最终将如何影响投票时间. ​​
利用: More court action, probably. 国会选区问题本身就充满了关于何时或是否会重新绘制地图的问题, 如果是由谁来做的. 另外,政府. 库珀的 ongoing ​​​challenge​ 对于立法机构改写的宪法修正案,投票语言给时间表增加了额外的不确定性. ​
瘦子: 法院将决定我们即将举行的选举中会发生什么, 和 the governor's ballot challenges were expected to get court attention today​ (Friday) as of this writing. For now, overall, we wait. But things change by the moment.

N.C. Supreme Court this week told state elections officials to hold off​ on readying ballots for the Nov. 6 general election amid legal challenges over the ballots' contents. 具体地说, 他们正在讨论立法机构希望提交给选民的宪法修正案. 这些修正案的反对者表示,他们的措辞具有误导性,不应该出现在投票中, 尽管起草该条款的议员们表示,该条款直截了当、清晰明了. 在一个 新闻稿 周四, 州选举和道德执行委员会指出,州法律要求在选举前60天提供邮寄缺席选票, 或在九月前. 今年7月. “然而, 法院的行动实际上推迟了今年缺席投票的开始, 和 ballots will not be ready by September 7," the 新闻稿 stated. It added that ballots, 根据联邦法律, have to be available 45 days before an election, 或在九月前. 今年22岁.
"It takes about three weeks to prepare, 打印, test 和 deliver ballots to counties across the state," the state elections office continued. "To meet the federal deadline, that process should start around Sept. 1, 不过,如果继续延误,州政府工作人员正在探索其他选择,以确保联邦政府遵守规定.选举官员还指出,该州的国会选区地图已被认定违宪, 每一个 new ruling from federal judge​​s​ that deemed them excessively-partisan gerrym和ers. How that will affect this year's elections plans has yet to be settled. The board said it would keep its social media channels, like 推特脸谱网,积极提供及时的信息,这些信息也将在其网站上提供,

多于1,本周,该州各地宣布了300个就业岗位, starting in Greensboro, w在这里 Publix Super Markets Inc. revealed plans to build a distribution center employing 1,000 workers. 该项目的第一阶段预计将带来3亿美元的投资. The City of Greensboro was among partners in the project. 南移动, 费耶特维尔市(City of Fayetteville)是博思艾伦咨询公司(Booz Allen Hamilton)在该地区新宣布的扩张计划的合作伙伴,为该公司招聘的208个工作岗位提供了当地资助. Most of those jobs will be information-technology focused, according to a 新闻稿 with full details​. “创造这些高质量的工作岗位证实了我们作为国防和创新中心的地位,并为我们的社区带来了重要的新职业机会,” said Fayetteville Mayor Mitch Colvin in the release. And in Sanford, Dowa Thermotech Co. 有限公司.该公司公布了109个工作岗位,每年工资为22美元.5 million investment ahead. The payroll impact would be nearly $4 million. The City of Sanford was among many partners in the effort. 说代表. Robert Reives in a Department of Commerce 新闻稿, “我们为这次合作感到自豪,并随时准备协助Dowa Thermotech在北卡罗来纳州开始发展."

365足彩下载正在寻找地方领导人为其新成立的宽带工作组服务. 该小组的成员将担任战略顾问和大使,改变国家宽带政策,明确允许地方政府建设宽带基础设施. If you are interested in becoming a task force member, please email League 立法 Counsel Erin Wynia​​.

​Over the past several months, 365足彩下载与北卡罗莱纳大学政府学院的环境金融中心(EFC)合作,对北卡罗莱纳饮用水和污水处理设施的管理和长期规划实践和政策进行了全州范围的调查. 关于这项调查结果的初步报告现已印发并可找到 在这里 (click on the “Resources” tab). 本报告总结了调查中收集的数据——后续的报告将检查这些数据,试图确定长期规划和系统弹性之间的任何相关性. 365足彩下载要感谢EFC在这些问题上的持续合作, 并感谢227名受访者——包括168家市政公用事业公司——他们花时间对这项广泛的调查做出了回应. 请密切关注365足彩下载和EFC对水和废水费率的年度调查, which will be sent to utilities in the coming weeks.

N.C. 美国运输部(NCDOT)周四宣布了138个地区项目,预计将在未来十年内为其提供资金和建设计划.这些都是全州900多个交通项目中“得分最高”的项目. They're expected to be programmed in the upcoming 2020-2029 State Transportation Improvement Plan​. "They include 115 highway projects programmed for $2.4 billion in funding, seven rail projects for $96 million, three ferry projects for $26 million, 和 three transit projects for $191 million," a 新闻稿 says. 截至撰写本文时,NCDOT已为大多数区域部门发布了单独的新闻稿. (部门 一个; 两个; 三个; 四个; ; 六个; 七个; : 9; ; 十二个).

北卡罗来纳州的城市和城镇继续向国际货币基金组织提交本土经济发展故事 我们在这里成长, 365足彩下载的免费故事网站,展示了当我们每个人都努力改善我们居住的地方时,北卡罗来纳州是如何整体受益的. 加斯顿尼亚,加纳,米尔斯河和阿什伯勒是最新讲述他们的故事在这里我们成长. "T在这里’s never been a better time to live, work in or visit Gastonia," the city wrote in a detailed story 正增长. In Garner, the town explains how it recruited Amazon for a major distribution center 和 1,500 jobs. “今天将被铭记,因为加纳进入了一个繁荣和机遇的新时代,” Mayor Ronnie Williams said. 
米尔斯·里弗写道 about its manufacturing growth. "Even in today’s economy, 社区支持者仍然应该对制造商选择在亨德森县种植感到兴奋,镇上的人说. “如果这家公司既能给员工带来好处,又能专注于可持续发展,那就更是如此了." Asheboro notes that downtown revitalization is no passive thought. “我们告诉员工:选择一个项目去做,”城市经理约翰·奥格本说. “Everyone loves a winner.” Public-private partnerships are also scoring wins for the town. 
What's your town up to? 我们在这里成长 makes it easy to tell your economic development stories. It's not just a feelgood initiative; it helps to quantify what cities 和 towns are doing for the statewide economic health, 和 it gives you customizable resources. 没有登录? 电子邮件 about@ 在这里 to change that, 和 check out the wealth of stories at 我们在这里成长​ now for plenty of inspiration.