


州议员们又完成了一轮又一轮的生意, brief continuation of the session they gaveled out of earlier this summer -- this time with a new map of House 和 森ate districts ordered by the courts. 他们还 完成两次否决. 新的立法地图, redone in light of a court finding that 28 of the 170 General Assembly districts were illegal racial gerrym和ers, 现在会回到法庭接受复审吗. 美联社有完整报道.

立法者周四休会,计划于10月11日返回. 4. A 制定规则的决心 for what they can do at that time allows for redistricting (for public offices including municipal), 否决覆盖, 宪法修正案, 提名或委任, 针对诉讼采取的行动, 有关选举法的法案, 会议报告通过, local bills that had passed third reading in their originating chamber 和 remain eligible, 弹劾的文章, 还有其他问题.

Amid the more publicized actions in the General Assembly this week, lawmakers sent the governor HB 56修订环境法律 签署, following the approval of a conference report that include a few items of interest to local governments. 这些规定包括:

  • 建立沿海风暴损害减轻基金(第二章). 6)
  • clarification of setback determination for permitted disposal systems (Sec. 7; "Multiple contiguous properties under common ownership 和 permitted for use as a disposal system shall be treated as a single property with regard setbacks to property lines.")
  • 为公共安全而修订缓冲规则(第二章. 9)
  • 河岸缓冲税收豁免研究(第2章). 11)
  • 固体废物改性(第二章. 17)
  • 对X世代水资源问题的回应(Sec. 20; actions inlude supplemental funding to affected water utilities).


代表. 克里斯·米尔斯 of Pender County has announced his resignation from the General Assembly, effective Sept. 15, 新闻媒体纷纷报道. 他们引用了一份声明 米尔斯的网站他在书中解释说,现在是时候更多地关注家庭了. “我的妻子, 三个孩子, 父母, 其他直系亲属, 和我的雇主为了让我在罗利工作牺牲了很多,声明说. 米尔斯, 来自汉普斯特德社区的共和党人, entered office in 2013 和 most recently had served as chairman of the House's Regulatory Reform Committee 和 the Select Committee on North Carolina River Quality.

这周, 森. 比尔做饭 宣布了退休计划. The lawmaker from Beaufort County said he wouldn't seek re-election in 2018 和 cited issues with new legislative map changes to his senatorial district. The changes put the four-term 代表ublican in a more Democratic-voting territory. 他解释道。 声明: "I've tried to be a good servant to the people of Eastern North Carolina. However, the recent redistricting changes have prompted me to reevaluate my commitment to my family. And as much as I love the folks of Eastern North Carolina, I love my family more."

The League would like to wish them 和 their families the best for the future.

League 执行董事 Paul Meyer encourages you to apply for leadership positions with the National League of Cities. 国家图书馆目前正在接受领导职位的申请, 包括军官, 董事会成员和倡导委员会的席位. 申请说明在国家图书馆的网站上. Meyer points out that serving on the NLC’s Board of Directors or in another NLC leadership role provides an important means of bringing perspectives from your town or city, 来自北卡罗来纳州, 纳入以政策为重点的讨论和国家一级的倡议. The NLC notes that these positions allow local municipal officials to “join an elite group of local leaders who are guiding 和 shaping the future of cities ... A position on our board of directors offers unparalleled opportunities to affect change at the national level while raising your profile as a city leader.” Should you apply for one of these positions, please let NCLM know for endorsement purposes. 你可以联系Jennifer Webb 在这里

提示心弦 《365体育足彩》的新一集,365足彩下载的 两周一次的播客 关于时代变迁中的城镇. 本期节目, we look at an amazing local program that could alter the lives of an amazing group of at-risk youths -- by way of video games. 许多社区都有令人钦佩的, 长期为贫困社区的青少年提供服务的项目, 通常是通过体育365足彩下载或艺术项目等传统渠道. 但在罗利(Raleigh), N.C. State University 和 a local betterment organization is proving innovative. They're breaking from tradition 和 teaching kids how to actually code 和 develop their own video games, giving them not only an increasingly important professional skill (applicable to an array of tech jobs) but also an outlet to express the challenges they go through on a daily basis. It's an inspirational episode with a story that could be duplicated in many communities. 

One 市政方程 listener comments: "I am so proud that our police officers are such innovative problem-solvers, 和 I'm proud to live in a caring community that was able to help bring this project to life." 听现在在iTunes订阅. And please, if you've enjoyed the podcast, a friendly five-star review would help. 你们市的新闻真棒? 向主持人/制作人推销 本•布朗.

A new report on local economic characteristics from the National League of Cities (NLC) this week reveals "a dynamic economic l和scape that has given rise to five distinct types of local economies: a highly rural cluster; a large central city cluster; 和 three types of mid-sized economies.它的研究引用了N.C. 城市365足彩下载 这里我们成长网站, which compiles user-submitted economic development stories from League-member cities 和 towns across the state.

报告的标题是:《地方经济状况:不同中部地区不为人知的故事." It provides an in-depth analysis of what drives each type of economy 和 lays out context explaining the value of municipalities to states 和 the nation. “例如, 在北卡罗来纳州, 79%的应税财产位于城市内, 80 percent of all jobs are within city boundaries 和 75 percent of all retail sales occur in cities,NLC的报告说, 引用我们在这里成长和League的数据. "Local leaders know that the unique assets 和 needs of their cities require customized approaches to economic development,NLC首席执行官克拉伦斯. 安东尼 新闻稿 关于新报告. “Our report shows that both promising economic trends 和 complexities underlie local economies. 美国的城市为国家经济提供动力, 和 with an even better underst和ing of the variance in local economies, 城市领导将共同努力,推动国家向前发展.”

政府. Roy Cooper has put out a call for more broadb和 access 在北卡罗来纳州. “现在,我们的州面临着数字鸿沟, 和 future success requires that North Carolinians in both our rural 和 urban areas have access to broadb和 internet,州长在2017年的全国大会上说.C. 周三在罗利举行的数字政府峰会. 他称之为经济发展的钥匙. 引用N.C. 资讯科技署, 库珀州长办公室表示,有超过400人,该州有1万户家庭没有高速互联网接入, 几乎所有这些都在农村地区. A 新闻稿 提供有关州长讲话的更多信息, 其中还包括对网络安全的重视.