


With the current continuing budget resolution funding state operations scheduled to expire Sept. 18, House 和 Senate budget negotiators planned to stay in town over the Labor Day weekend to continue working on an agreement. 众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔 告诉其他立法者 周三, "Those who are working on the budget should plan to see what Raleigh's like on the weekend." The weekend work comes following a week in which little legislative activity took place in committees or on chamber floors, 尽管幕后谈判仍在继续. 报告显示 that the Senate had offered to fully fund teacher assistant positions 和 driver's education -- two points of emphasis for the House -- but the House did not immediately accept the offer, which would have limited school districts' flexibility in using teacher assistant funds. Other issues discussed in conjunction with the budget this week included 销售税再分配海岸上的额外码头. 尽管到目前为止还没有达成一致,立法领导人本周 表示乐观 预算将在9月11日前通过. 18. 联系人: 克里斯·尼达

The formation of the joint House/Senate municipal caucus was announced this week on the House floor, a move expected to bring more focus to the effects of legislative actions at the local level. A letter announcing the caucus formation 和 read on the House floor stated: "Active participation by caucus members will bring greater awareness to the decisions made at the state level 和 how they will practically affect services to citizens at the municipal level.两党党团会议的联合主席将是共和党众议员. 来自卡托巴(Catawba)的众议员米切尔. 来自威尔明顿的苏珊·汉密尔顿(Susi Hamilton),参议员. 费耶特维尔的韦斯利·梅雷迪思和参议员. 夏洛特的乔尔·福特. All four co-chairs have served in or had some associated role with municipal government.

Other caucus members will include legislators who also have backgrounds in municipal government, 但是,成员资格并不局限于那些曾担任这一职务的人. “本周听到这个消息,我们非常激动,’”365足彩下载政府事务主任罗斯·沃恩·威廉姆斯说. "Members of the legislature who served in city government bring valuable insight 和 knowledge to the table when issues that affect cities are raised at the General Assembly. 他们真正了解城市和城镇, 以及他们为居民提供的服务, 有助于北卡罗来纳州的经济增长和就业." The League thanks 和 congratulates the four co-chairs who pursued the formation of the caucus, 并期待着与所有核心小组成员合作.

State legislators now appear headed toward holding a unified primary election in March, rather than a separate presidential primary that month 和 a second primary for state races. Besides affecting elections for c和idates seeking various political offices, the change also may affect an infrastructure bond referendum should the General Assembly approve such a plan. 8月初,众议院通过了该法案 HB 943连接NC债券法案2015该法案将允许选民决定是否把2美元的硬币放在硬币上.460亿美元用于国家建筑,以及州和地方基础设施. The bond plan would provide $400 million for road-building 和 transportation, 并在当地的供水和下水道上花费7500万美元. 参议院尚未对该法案进行表决.

这所房子 bill calls for a bond referendum to be held when an initial presidential primary takes place, but the date could have been shifted to a second primary later in the spring through subsequent negotiations. 这所房子, 也可能是参议院, 现在考虑在3月15日举行单一初选吗, meaning that date would be the only possibility for a spring bond referendum. Some bond supporters have pushed for a referendum to be held before next year's general election in November because of the prospect of rising interest rates 和 higher borrowing costs. 阅读媒体对初选风向变化的报道 在这里. 阅读之前的公告关于债券的报道 在这里

在发布之后 联邦调查局年度犯罪统计, a number of blogs 和 publications have compiled lists of the most dangerous cities in America. 北卡罗来纳州的城市明显不在这些名单中. In 排名 来自在线研究网站Neighborhood Scout, 北卡罗来纳州没有人口在25人的城市,在50个最危险的城市中,有1000个或更多的城市.

The FBI has criticized the use of the statistics from its Uniform Crime Report to compare cities, 这样说可能会得出不准确的结论. But a number of groups continue to use the statistics to do comparisons like that compiled by Neighborhood Scout 和 the one found 在这里这些排名仍然受到媒体的广泛关注.

索尔兹伯里的宽带系统, Fibrant, is the latest municipal-owned system to generate national headlines after it announced the availability of 10 gigabit-per-second service to businesses 和 residential households. 这个速度大约是美国平均速度的1000倍.S. Internet connection 和 makes Salisbury one of America's first 10 gigabit cities, 根据新闻报道.

The news was reported in national Internet 和 print publications including these pieces appearing in 板岩市场观察Ars Technica. Salisbury began building its broadb和 system before the General Assembly, in 2011, passed legislation largely banning new or exp和ed municipal broadb和 systems in the state. The Federal Communications Commission, at the urging of the City of Wilson 和 Chattanooga, Tenn.在美国,该法律和其他州的类似法律被先发制人. The pre-emption decision 和 the future of those state laws are now before the courts.

Fibrant officials say their 10 gigabit Internet service is primarily focused on economic development 和 luring businesses to the city, 居民可以选择更便宜的, 慢, 但仍然是超高速连接. 这些出版物指出,索尔兹伯里官员, 在市政所有制发展之前, offered to pay private providers to develop the high-speed connections 和 that those providers refused.

Fayetteville attorney Billy Richardson was sworn into office 和 began serving this week in the House seat that had been occupied by Rep. 瑞克装玻璃. 理查森众议员是由纽约州州长任命的. Pat McCrory on Tuesday after the Cumberl和 County Democratic Party Executive Committee had nominated him to complete Representative Glazier's term. Representative Glazier announced his decision to resign his seat earlier this summer.  Representative Richardson had previously served two terms in the House during the 1990s. The League congratulates Representative Richardson on his appointment 和 looks forward to working with him.