


发生了什么:法官发布了一项禁令,要求提前结束2020年的人口普查. 州政府官员表示,他们预计会进一步削减交通项目. 北卡罗来纳州也被列入近海钻探禁令. And the League invited its members into its policy development process for the next biennium.

含义:我们在下面的公告中有解释和分析, but we ask members to please give special regard the policy development process ahead. 这次不一样. 的 policy development process is important – it eyes the next biennium of the General Assembly 和 what the goals 和 priorities of cities 和 towns will be.

ON TAP:会员应在11月10日前提交他们的想法. 5. 请继续阅读这篇公告.

THE SKINNY:感谢你每周阅读这些公告. It’s the best way cities 和 towns can stay updated on what affects them from the state 和 federal levels. 说到更新,还要注意 我们更新的会议结束公告, capturing everything that happened at the General Assembly this year of interest to municipalities, 包括在本月早些时候举行的会议上采取的行动.

一名联邦法官 统治 特朗普政府 不能完成提前结束的计划 到2020年人口普查,并指出这样做可能会导致严重的统计不足. 新闻媒体注意到,美国正在采取行动.S. 预计司法部将对该命令提出上诉, 它特别授予原告(包括美国.S. 人口普查局)暂缓的动议和初步禁令. 的 《365体育足彩》在今天的报道中指出 使利益相关者在一个准确的计数, 比如城市和州, 认为给人口普查局更多的行动时间是至关重要的. 人口普查数据有多种用途, including funding allocations 和 the drawing of state 和 federal electoral districts, 后者在人口普查结果公布后立即开始.

​State experts predict a worsening outlook on transportation projects over the next decade, 更少的项目可能获得资金. 美国的分析师 N.C. 运输部(NCDOT) 周一提供了最新消息, explaining that a reduction in anticipated revenues 和 an increase in costs related to utility relocation 和 right-of-way acquisition meant a cutback in the number of projects that would likely proceed.

Local government staff working with NCDOT have witnessed this recent 和 unexpected growth in NCDOT’s estimated costs for both large 和 small transportation projects in the planning 和 prioritization process. This new problem adds to the $2 billion shortfall NCDOT has experienced from costs associated with natural disasters 和 expensive 地图法 法律和解,以及新型冠状病毒肺炎对收入的未知影响. 就在本周, 特别工作组 由州、地方和联邦交通专家组成,帮助NCDOT的工作 战略投资计划 开始回顾这场“完美风暴”的影响.” T在这里 is no doubt that the increasingly dire situation will require adjustments to transportation project plans all across the state, 并应包括与地方政府(包括 MPO 和 RPO 员工)来解决交通面临的挑战.

State legislators also heard more Monday about one important front in this “perfect storm” facing transportation: the longer-term declining state transportation revenue picture. 这一信息来自联合国的联合主席.C. 第一委员会成员,包括前罗利市长南希·麦克法兰. 委员会已经开了近两年的会 探索了多种交通收入来源. 联合主席向与会者解释了委员会的工作 专门负责运输资金的立法委员会他告诉立法者期待明年初的建议. 这些建议可能包括对拼车等新服务征税, micromobility, 或者快递公司, 或者提高现有税率, 他们说. 在回应, 立法者讨论了其他不那么传统的资金来源的优点, 比如根据车辆行驶里程征税. 查看委员会的完整演示文稿 在这里 并会见委员会的所有成员 在这里, including Banner Elk Mayor Brenda Lyerly 和 Charlotte Council Member Julie Eiselt.

We’re beginning our legislative police development process for the 2020-21 biennium, 这一次有点不同. 它是如何工作的?? 今年早些时候, the League's Board of Directors revised the member-driven process that forms our organization's legislative policy positions—their goal is to exp和 the process to receive as much input from all of our municipal officials that reflects the diversity of our members’ opinions 和 circumstances. This member-driven process coincides with the start of each new legislative biennium. During even-numbered years, members come together to share their legislative goals 和 priorities. 基本流程包括以下步骤:

  1. 议员们提交他们对立法政策目标的想法. 想法应该符合365足彩下载的总体政策重点领域, 具有可操作性,并适用于全州的城镇.
  2. 的 政策委员会 考虑所有提交的想法,通过镜头 市政核心原则 和政策重点领域,并向董事会提交建议.
  3. 在检讨及细化政策委员会的建议后, NCLM董事会将目标提交给全体会员投票表决.
  4. Each municipality casts a single vote on the policy goals 和 the results are used by League staff, 议员和立法领导人共同推进议程.
在11月11日之前提交你的想法. 5. 想法可能是 通过我们的在线表格以书面形式提交 或者可以在我们的现场活动期间提交(下面有更多信息). 

当头脑风暴合适的目标时, 考虑北卡罗莱纳州市政目标中共享的想法. 想法也应该是“可操作的”," meaning t在这里 is a reasonable path for action in the state legislative or regulatory process. Local bills or very specific ideas that impact only one member municipality are not appropriate.

目标规划课程的注册信息即将发布. 现在,保存日期. We will be hosting six live web-based 和 two in-person meetings to give members the opportunity to share 和 discuss their legislative policy ideas with each other 和 League staff in addition to the ability to submit goal ideas online. 在日历上标记参加以下网络研讨会或现场活动. Choose the date 和 format that works best for you; each session offers the same opportunity to share. 

  • 周一,10月. 12, 10-11:15 a.m.                                  
  • 周二,10月. 13, 1-2:15 p.m.
  • 周五,10月. 16, 10-11:15 a.m.
  • 周五,10月. 16, 1-2:15 p.m.
  • 周一,10月. 19, 10-11:15 a.m.
  • 周二,10月. 20, 10-11:15 a.m.
  • 星期三,10月. 14, 10-11:45 a.m. BB&T棒球场信托体育场| 951棒球场路,温斯顿-塞勒姆,NC 27101
  • 周四,10月.15, 10-11:45 a.m. 塞格拉体育场| 460海伊街,费耶特维尔,NC 28301

​Local parks 和 recreation programs may now apply for grants to operate remote learning programs while schools are meeting virtually. N.C. 联合国大会本月早些时候为这个项目拨款2000万美元. 除了公园和娱乐项目, other local non-profits such as YMCA’s 和 Boy’s 和 Girl’s Clubs may apply for grants of up to $100,000. Due to an end-of-year deadline imposed by Congress to spend these funds, turnaround on the 拨款申请 是迅速的,组织面临着10. 申请资助的截止日期. 才有资格获得资助, entities must either have a memor和um of underst和ing with their local public school system, 或者他们必须在联合国注册.C. 卫生署 & 人类服务部尚未公布注册细节. 阅读更多关于资助机会的信息 在这里.

您可能还记得我们最近发布的年度会议结束公报, with a promise to issue an updated version with information from the additional period of lawmaking in General Assembly earlier this month. 这是更新:2020年会议结束公告.

This version also takes a look at NCLM 365体育足彩 Goal Achievements 和 an index of internally-link bills (Appendix I) to help you quickly find individual bill summaries. We hope that you find this guide to the 2020 legislative session helpful in underst和ing legislation that affected cities 和 towns.


​的 Trump administration has included North Carolina in its moratorium on new leasing for offshore drilling for oil 和 gas, 有效期为12年. U.S. 森. 汤姆·提利斯表示,他与特朗普总统进行了交谈,并于本周得到了确认. 在过去的几年里, I have listened to mayors 和 elected officials from Brunswick to Currituck County 和 have been adamant that any decision on new energy production off North Carolina's coast should be made with the input of our local communities,参议员提利斯说 新闻发布会上. In 2018, the League filed comments of opposition to North Carolina’s inclusion in the 2019-24 Outer Continental Shelf Oil 和 Gas Leasing Program. 在这些评论中, we requested that no further action related to seismic testing 和 oil exploration or drilling take place in the Atlantic Ocean off North Carolina’s coast. Our arguments recognized the importance of the coastal economy 和 were in support of the municipalities that had formally opposed offshore drilling.